SRP Demand Management Study
The SRP Demand Management Study is a collaborative effort between Salt River Project (SRP) and Inergy Systems, aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of demand management systems in residential homes. The study's purpose was to explore how these systems can help SRP customers manage their electricity demand during peak periods, reducing overall costs and optimizing energy usage.
Program Overview
Inergy Systems’ Smart Energy Management System (SEMS) was selected for testing at the SRP Innovation Test Center. The system was installed in up to 100 SRP customers' homes, primarily those on the SRP E-27 Customer Generation and E-15 Average Demand price plans. This phase of the study focused on measuring demand reduction and energy savings, as well as customer satisfaction.
- Evaluate SEMS Performance: Assess the ability of SEMS to control customer demand and operate efficiently under SRP’s E-27 and E-15 demand rate structures.
- Customer Benefits: Determine customer savings and satisfaction by optimizing demand management using the SEMS system.
- Grid Impact: Analyze how SEMS can reduce peak demand and improve grid quality, benefiting both customers and SRP.
- Long-Term Feasibility: Determine the potential for scaling demand management solutions across a larger customer base.
Inergy Systems’ Role
Inergy Systems provided the necessary hardware, software, and services for this study. This included the installation and support of the SEMS devices, real-time data collection from the SRP revenue meters, and integration with customer thermostats, load switches, and demand management protocols.
Inergy's Deliverables:
- Provide installation and technical support for the SEMS systems.
- Collect real-time data on energy usage, demand limits, and controlled loads from participants' homes.
- Provide participants with a web portal and mobile applications to monitor and control their energy consumption.
- Transmit collected data to SRP and provide monthly performance reports.
- Offer ongoing system updates, technical support, and data services during the program.
Key Findings
- The SEMS successfully met all performance metrics during Phase 1 of the pilot, demonstrating significant demand reductions during peak periods.
- Customers reported increased satisfaction with the SEMS user interface, both through mobile apps and web portals.
- SRP observed a positive impact on grid stability and peak demand management, particularly during high-demand periods.
Next Phases of the Program
Following the success of Phase 1, Phases 2 and 3 involved offering SEMS to hundreds more qualified SRP customers. Inergy Systems’ enterprise portal allowed SRP to monitor system status, review performance data, and track customer feedback over the course of the 2-year study.
Contact Us
To learn more about the SRP Demand Management Study or how Inergy Systems’ solutions can help manage energy demand in residential settings, contact us today or call 1-855-463-7497.