Inergy Systems



Our Home Connect Alexa Skill app provides access to a number of useful functions on our demand controller products. Customers can check on their current usage, get an estimate of savings, and change settings. Here is a full list of the currently available functions:

  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, what is my current demand?”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, what is my max demand this month?”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, what was the max demand last month?”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, how much energy have I used this month?”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, how much energy did I use last month?”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, are we in on-peak?”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, are we in off-peak?”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, to turn {relay_name} on” – For example, “Alexa, ask my energy hub, to turn office on”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, to turn {relay_name} off” – For example, “Alexa, ask my energy hub, to turn office off”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, about shedding” – this will return the devices that have been turned off to help minimize demand
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, how much did I save last month?”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, to disable demand control” – WARNING: Disables demand control which might result in unwanted utility fees
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, to enable demand control”
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, to reduce demand limit by {demand_value} kilowatts” – this reduces the demand limit for about 3 hours.
  • “Alexa, ask my energy hub, to increase demand limit by {demand_value} kilowatts” – this is useful if you think your air-conditioners are having trouble maintaining temperature on hot days.  This change lasts for 3 hours; you will need to change your demand limit profile for the change to be permanent.
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