Inergy Systems

Frequently Asked Questions

Inergy Systems looks forward to discussing how we can help your business grow by adding our productions and service to the solutions that you offer and sell. The systems and web-based tools allows you to become an Energy Advisor which will differentiate your company from others in your markets.

Demand Control has historically been performed by a Load Controller System or Demand Control System which is an automatic device that monitors whole-house grid consumption and turns off major loads as the peak demand approaches the demand limit setting.

Energy Management Systems are a newer type of Demand Control System (or Load Controllers) that monitor the energy of the individual large loads and solar generation along with the whole-house grid consumption.  It is the load control part of the system that separates it from simple energy monitoring systems.

Whereas Demand Control is primarily focused on managing multiple loads to maintain the demand below a pre-set limit during on-peak periods, Energy Orchestration (EO) or load orchestration is more general. EO refers to the automated control of any loads to achieve a wide range of outcomes. Desirable outcomes might include maintaining the total demand below a pre-set limit (as in most demand control scenarios); minimizing the cost of charging batteries or electric vehicles by taking advantage of cheap energy periods; supporting net zero initiatives by distributing solar and stored energy appropriately throughout the day. The possibilities are endless.  What they all have in common is using load coordination to achieve specified energy.

The increasing demand for energy and the struggle to keep up with supply are causing energy costs to soar during the summer months.

Demand billing rates are special rates offered by utility companies that provide significantly reduced energy usage charges, provided that the customer keeps their energy demand below a preset limit.

To make the most of demand billing rates, you need to install a demand controller, which helps you optimize your energy consumption and maintain your demand below the required threshold.

A demand controller is a device that intelligently manages the operation of high-consumption appliances, such as air conditioners, water heaters, and electric dryers, ensuring that your energy demand stays within the limits set by your utility company.

By accessing demand billing rates through the use of a demand controller, you can potentially reduce your energy costs by 25% or more.

Inergy Systems has over three decades of experience in demand control technology and is a trusted name in the field. Their team of expert Energy Advisors will work with you to develop a customized solution that fits your household’s unique needs.

Typical installation costs for an Inergy Systems demand controller are below $2,500, with payback periods as short as 2-3 years, making it a smart financial investment.

It’s best to install a demand controller before the peak of summer to start reaping the benefits of smart energy management right away. Acting now can help you avoid the shock of high summer energy bills.

To get started, contact Inergy Systems to schedule a consultation. Their team will analyze your energy usage, identify potential savings, and help you understand how a demand controller can benefit your household.

Yes, you can still achieve significant energy cost savings without a solar system. By combining a demand controller with your electric utility’s demand rate, you can optimize your energy usage and reduce your bills.

Absolutely. If your current solar setup doesn’t include a demand management system (DMS), Inergy Systems’ Energy Advisors can analyze your energy usage and demonstrate how a DMS can help you maximize your savings.

A demand controller seamlessly integrates with your high-consumption appliances, such as air conditioners, water heaters, electric dryers, and pool pumps. It intelligently coordinates their operation to keep your energy demand below the preset limit, without compromising your comfort.

No, the installation process is designed to minimize disruption to your daily life. Inergy Systems partners with licensed electrical firms who are skilled in proper installation and customer education, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Yes, installing a demand management system may qualify you for various tax credits and incentives. For example, the current income tax credit for a DMS is $600. Consult with your tax professional to determine your eligibility.

Inergy Systems offers an online savings estimating tool that allows you to evaluate your potential savings without the need to speak with a salesperson. Simply visit their website and look for the savings calculator.

The installation process for a demand controller is typically quick and efficient. In most cases, the installation can be completed within a day, depending on the complexity of your household’s electrical system.

Yes, Inergy Systems stands behind the quality and performance of their demand controllers. They offer comprehensive warranties to ensure your satisfaction and peace of mind. Contact their customer support team for specific details on their warranty terms.

Walkthrough Videos (Web)

What is demand?
Demand management system emergency bypass
Tstat Scheduling
Getting your system back online
Setting Demand Limits
Syncing your PLEs

Walkthrough Videos (Mobile)

Mobile App overview and introduction video
Changing demand priorities and demand limits
Adjust thermostat scheduling
Password reset
Navigation tips
Temperature override and duration
Vacation mode
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